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milton keynes造句

"milton keynes"是什么意思  
  • The Milton Keynes venue opened in 1996 as " Daytona International ".
  • Half of the series was shown in Milton Keynes in September 2001.
  • He duly moved on loan to Milton Keynes Dons in November 2006.
  • Mr Lyon had previously worked at schools in Northampton and Milton Keynes.
  • Reconstruction of the Milton Keynes Coachway started ( opening Spring 2010 ).
  • This meant that students can study for a degree in Milton Keynes.
  • They also played at the Milton Keynes Bowl in support to Erasure.
  • Abbey's main offices are in London, Milton Keynes, Bradford, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  • This provides walking and cycling routes between Milton Keynes, Luton and London.
  • The team were based at the Milton Keynes Greyhound Stadium until 1988.
  • It's difficult to see milton keynes in a sentence. 用milton keynes造句挺难的
  • All five were taken to Milton Keynes Hospital for treatment, police said.
  • Wimbledon had hoped to build a 28, 000-seat stadium in Milton Keynes.
  • One such victim of this was the Milton Keynes formed The Criminal Minds.
  • Xscape Milton Keynes and Xscape Yorkshire were designed by FaulknerBrowns Architects.
  • In August 2013 he joined Milton Keynes Dons on 5 October.
  • He is now the head coach of the Milton Keynes Lions
  • Through Milton Keynes the road is known as the H5 Portway.
  • He served as Mayor of Milton Keynes for a year from May 2013.
  • Dolton, 24, disappeared after visiting a friend's house in Milton Keynes in 2001.
  • This station is one of the five stations serving Milton Keynes.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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